Global Women’s Human Rights Agenda

Over the 75 years since its founding, the UN has set out comprehensive and detailed plans to advance gender equality. The global women’s human rights agenda is embodied in documents negotiated by UN member states that set out global norms for advancing human rights for women and girls. At its very beginning, the United Nations committed to gender equality as a founding principle, as stated in the UN Charter Preamble:

“We the peoples of the United Nations, determined … to reaffirm faith in fundamental human rights, in the dignity and worth of the human person, in the equal rights of men and women, and of nations large and small…have resolved to combine our efforts to accomplish these aims.”

UN Action on Women’s Rights

The United Nations declared an International Women’s Year (1975) and a UN Decade for Women (1976-1985) to examine the obstacles to women’s equal rights.

1975 First World Conference on Women, Mexico City
1980 Second World Conference on Women, Copenhagen
1985 Third World Conference on Women, Nairobi
1995 Fourth World Conference on Women, Beijing

Consensus Outcome Documents -Each of these conferences produced a consensus outcome document, negotiated by the UN member states, with detailed steps needed to advance women’s human rights. The most significant outcome document was the fourth one, the Beijing Platform for Action. 

CEDAW Convention

In 1979, as part of the UN Decade for Women, an international treaty on women’s human rights was developed, the Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women (CEDAW). The CEDAW Committee monitors the treaty and issues General Recommendations to update the treaty with new understandings about gender equality.

Annual CSW Outcome Documents-Agreed Conclusions

To follow up on the Beijing Platform for Action, the UN Commission on the Status of Women negotiates consensus outcome documents at each annual session, called the Agreed Conclusions. The Agreed Conclusions address a priority theme each year mentioned in the Beijing Platform for Action. For instance, in 2022, the Agreed Conclusions set out goals for advancing women’s human rights in the midst of climate change; in 2023, they examined challenges in the area of gender and technology; and in 2024, they evaluated advancements regarding women and poverty.

Global Acceleration Plan for Gender Equality

In 2021, UN member states made a new set of commitments with the Global Acceleration Plan for Gender Equality, the outcome document of the Generation Equality Forum. 

These UN documents collectively comprise the global women’s human rights agenda, detailed plans, negotiated and agreed to by the UN member states, to advance the human rights of women and girls. The global feminist movement uses these documents to hold their governments accountable for commitments made in the international forum.



UN Charter

First World Conference on Women

Second World Conference on Women

Third World Conference on Women

Fourth World Conference on Women

UN Pathways to Human Rights for Women and Girls