What is Colleges for CEDAW?
Colleges for CEDAW was born at the Sociologists for Women in Society (SWS) 2019 Summer Meeting when an undergraduate student knowledgeable about gender inequality, Shuchi Sanyal, first learned about CEDAW and wondered: “Why don’t I know about this? Why don’t my peers know about this?” Convinced that CEDAW is critical to global gender equality, including in the United States, she helped to conceive Colleges for CEDAW along with other SWS sociologists.
Colleges for CEDAW is a student-led activist initiative that connects feminist global action to local college campuses and their respective communities. It engages younger generations in the development of gender-relevant public policy through a gender audit that assesses the extent of gender inequality on their campus. The audit includes action needed to achieve full gender equality at their college. In addition, Colleges for CEDAW encourages students to serve their community through a gender action project.
Who can join Colleges for CEDAW?
Colleges for CEDAW is open to all college and university students. Chapters have been established at Hollins University in Virginia and Boston University. If you would like to create a chapter or join the international team, please contact the SWS CEDAW Subcommittee chair Vicky Demos at demosvp@morris.umn.edu
Hollins University Chapter, Colleges for CEDAW
CEDAW College Teaching Materials (SWS)
Sociologists for Women in Society (https://socwomen.org/)
Submitted by Shuchi Sanyal