We are an alliance of feminists collaborating to advance human rights and gender equity for women and girls worldwide.

  • We engage in joint advocacy at the UN Commission on the Status of Women (CSW).
  • We research and exchange information on issues of vital interest to women.
  • We promote the principle of women’s human rights in embodied in:
    • CEDAW- ( UN Convention on the Elimination of All Forms of Discrimination Against Women )
    • The Beijing Platform for Action
  • We advocate for greater gender equality at home and abroad with the US State Department, US Mission to the UN , the White House and the US Congress.

Through this collaboration, we hope to have a larger, louder, stronger voice by leveraging our collective knowledge and capabilities.

As US feminists, we stand in solidarity with the world’s women.

  • We deplore the erosion of gender equity and human right in recent years.
  • We recognize that many women face extraordinary challenges due to their race, ethnicity, age, income level, religion, disabilities, sexual and gender identity, marital status, geographical location and climate change.
  • Today millions of women and girls are also denied the basic rights of access to:
    • Education
    • Equal pay
    • Reproductive choices

We are committed to a just world where every person’s human rights are affirmed, recognized, and respected.